Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Returning Here


The Way to Here

Looking for Your Eyes

Feb 13, 2025

Peaceful Abiding

If I stay very still, I can find my way right to where I am.

*David Rynick. Wandering Close to Home: A Year of Zen Reflections, Consolations, and Reveries.

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A reporter met the Sage...

How would you describe yourself?

I'm pointing in the direction of the obvious.

Where is it?

Where are you?

Oddly, we humans keep looking for our eyes. Now, how weird is that?

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What is always present? What Suzuki Roshi called, in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, "things as it is." Why? Look.

Once one relaxes into the obviousness of what is, which is things as it is, one discovers the naturalness of what is. Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary become one, for they are one. Nevertheless, a river does not become the sky or a rock a trombone... nor you anyone else.

Life envelops hidden depths not separate from the surface. No matter how deep an ocean is, it is the surface. All is ocean, regardless any far or any deep. Poop and birthday cake is ocean; you are ocean, everyone else is. Is is ocean, poop, birthday cake, you, everyone.

We can grow in being totally with what-is. Tibetan Buddhists have called this the Natural Great Perfection. Being-totally-with something invites it to open, to flower, revealing itself as more than what you think you see, yet not other than what you think you see. Even see your thinking - who does?

Life moves as revelation. So, we say, "Stay awake." We touch the moment through the senses, and, thereby, the moment touches us: this intimacy invites. Inviting moves in more than one way; it moves in one way both ways and in ten directions in one eye-blinking. You touch the world with your tongue, the world touches your tongue.

Namkai Norbu Chogyal.  Dzogchen -

Whether one finds oneself in a calm state, or in a pure manifestation of movement, these are both experiences and are not the state of contemplation itself. In the state of presence, which remains the same in relation to thousands of different experiences, whatever arises liberates itself automatically. This is what is meant by "self-liberation."

["Self-liberation" refers to what I mean by something opening, flowering. You do not liberate anything, including yourself as self. Liberation happens; it is not gotten, accomplished, or done. A flower does not accomplish anything: it is liberation, liberation is it. Flowering is flowers. This makes flowers flowers.]

(C) brian k. wilcox 2025


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Returning Here

©Brian Wilcox 2025